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Gopu N

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I am Gopu . I am working as System administrator.

Date of birth: 19th April 1975.

I am living at Chennai in India.

I 've finished my diploma in electronics and communicaition engineering at 1996. I've started my career in system administration at 1996 . I am presently working in HCL Technologies (www.hcltech.com) ,Chennai..

My Native Place is Budalar which is located in Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu ,INDIA. (Thanjavur is famous for it's Big temple one of the world wonders)

My parents( Mr. S. Natarajan & Ms.S.Kalaiselvi ) are working as Tamil Teachers at my native place.

If you like to contact me, here is my email id: n_gopu@yahoo.com

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